Approved by AICTE, New Delhi Vide Letter No. TN/NDIP/2009-10/018/3990 dt.20.07.2009 and Affiliated to the DOTE, TamilNadu State Govt. Vide Lr.No.MS.178 dt 11.06.2009
I ............................... (Applicant's Name) S/o .................................., hereby solemnly and sincerely affirm that the statement made and the information furnished by me in the application are true, correct and complete. I further declare that if the information is found false or otherwise incorrect, I will be liable to forfeit my admission or remove from the roll of th Institution at whatever stage of study it may be, besides making me liable for Criminal Prosecution I declare that I will not demand to REFUND the Tuition fees and other fees If i discontinue my studies in the middle of the academic year.